Friday, 6 February 2009

nameless rendezvous party

nameless cake.

today we'll held our rendezvous party at Novotel.
so i prepare it by myself at 12 o'clock until 5 o'clock.
today,i just wanna remember all those sweet thingies.
fuck that fucking memories,,,forgot ! forgot ! i've forgot it ! hhah.
as you know,we just sang by sang.nomination by nomination for waiting our teacher.
finally at 8.30 Pak Samuel and Pak Agam came and we started our Eating thingies.
our class monitor gave some fucking speech ! hhah
me and leonardi.

then,after nomination . nomination . sang sang sang . games . games .
at 10.30 our teacher want to go home already.
so we took a picture of us with them.
congartulations for stevenwijaya (me) and Jesslyn for the best dresscode.
best dresscode chosen by our teacher !

just a simple party.but,i really loves it.
i really love when we sang "moments" together.

i gotta sleep first !
jasmien . yessy . debby . tjen . tipen . karim and the MC

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